The Dhaka Times
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Heroine Irene's challenge

The Dhaka Times Desk Heroine Irene has thrown a new challenge. Debashish Biswas made his debut in a film but the results of the film were not good. Still, Irene wants to stay on the ground with her film.


After being cast in an Ankora director's film, Irene Baal a few days ago dropped the job due to the director's immoral news due to the fear of the casting couch.

Irene is now working under a new producer-director. However, despite not knowing the future of the films at hand, he continues to work with the challenge that if he continues in the film, he will get good results.


Irene said, 'I am not willing to give up easily. For this reason, I am waiting for some good work.' About the film work, Irene said, 'Recently I started a work of SA Haque Olik Bhai. He has always done well in making romantic films. I am optimistic about this film in that vein.'

Again started filming Irene with a new producer. But in this film opposite Irene is auditioning a newcomer. It remains to be seen how fruitful this audit will be.

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