The Dhaka Times
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A surprising incident: another monkey saved his electrocuted companion!

The Dhaka Times Desk A monkey treated his electrocuted companion. This amazing incident happened at Kanpur Central Railway Station in Kolkata. Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

electric pol & medical monkey

According to the media, a monkey's life was brought back to life by a skilled doctor for about an hour. And the news of this treatment has spread on the internet. This amazing incident happened at Kanpur Central Railway Station in Kolkata.

Like every day, a monkey was climbing down the high tension electricity wire of the railway station. A disaster has already occurred. But where else does it go? The monkey was instantly electrocuted and fell down on the railway track. The people present at the station were also saddened to see the loss of life like this. But everyone got tired just by watching.

But after a while the crowd thronged the platform to see what happened. A few monkeys trotted towards their dying companion. One of them is quite arrogant.

The monkey then started moving the body of its dying companion. Not only that, but after that he started treatment as usual. Seeing that, the common people on the platform were shaken. Someone took out a mobile phone and started recording the whole incident.

After that, it was seen that the monkey drowned him in the nearby drain without getting any response from his companion. When he did not regain consciousness, he started biting different parts of his partner's body. As that didn't work, he drowned his partner in the river again. It was like modern day shock therapy.

Now the monkey took out the body of the companion from the drain and started shaking it forcefully. After such treatment for some time, the real incident was seen. Everyone looked up and saw signs of life in the body of the electrocuted monkey. After that, the monkey with a weak body that had been lying down for so long got up and sat down. Everyone was shocked to see how a human brought a companion back from the face of death.

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