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Happy's forensic report released: Cricketer Rubel is going to trap?

The Dhaka Times Desk On Wednesday, the forensic department of Dhaka Medical College released Happy's forensic report. Cricketer Rubel can be trapped in it.


National team cricketer Rubel Hossain can be trapped in the case filed by model and actress Happy! Because, putting an end to all speculations, the forensic report has been published today on Wednesday. Evidence of a man's physical relationship with Happy was found in it.

A source in charge of the Forensic Department of Dhaka Medical College confirmed this news to the media. After the filing of Happy's case and the forensic examination, many questions have arisen in the public mind for days.

Professor Habibuzzaman, Chairman of the Forensic Department of Dhaka Medical College, told the media that the forensic report has been handed over to the Mirpur police station on Wednesday. In that report, information was found that Happy had physical intercourse with a man. But with whom it can only be said without a DNA test.'

Has anyone tried to influence the report on behalf of the ruble? In response to such a question, Habibuzzaman said, 'No, no one came who asked or tried to change Happy's report. And even if someone had said, it would not have helped in this case either. Because, Happy has been tested by forming a special board.'

The copy of Happy's forensic report has been officially handed over to the Mirpur Thana police on Wednesday around noon. Now all the activities of this case will be taken by Mirpur police station. Mirpur police station sources said that the report has been received from the forensic department. Now it will be reviewed and necessary action will be taken.

It is to be noted that on the evening of December 13, model and actress Nazneen Akhter Happy filed a rape case against national team cricketer Rubel Hossain at Mirpur Model Police Station. Happy was taken to the victim center on the same day and after various tests were conducted in the forensic department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital. After the case, the audio record of the conversation on the mobile phone has been released and various interesting news have been published.

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