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Breaking News: Location of crashed Air Asia plane's tail identified

The Dhaka Times Desk Rescuers have identified the location of the crashed Air Asia plane's tail. This plane crashed in the Java Sea of Indonesia on December 28.

Air Asia

According to media sources, the location of the tail part of the Air Asia passenger plane that crashed in the Java Sea of Indonesia has been identified - the searchers claimed. Franciscus Bambang Soelistayo, head of the investigation team, gave this information to reporters on Wednesday.

Air Asia-2

Franciscus Bambang Soelistayo said, 'We found part of the plane's tail. Now our main goal is to rescue it. The location of the tail section has been confirmed in the second priority area of our search.' The black box and flight data recorder are said to be attached to this part of the aircraft.

It should be noted that on December 28, the Airbus A320-200 model of the Indonesian airline Air Asia crashed in the Java Sea on its way from Surabaya to Singapore. The plane had 162 passengers.

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