The Dhaka Times
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A woman divorced her husband for raising dandruff!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to people's problems with obesity. Medbhudi has to face many problems. A gentleman is in such a problem. Divorced his wife for raising dandruff!


We know there is an age limit. Exceeding that can lead to accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, eating and drinking and living in an uncontrolled manner cannot be done at all. Because many men grow penis due to irregular movement. To many wives, the matter seems obvious, but thinking about the family, the matter endures for many. But this time a woman can not tolerate this old woman at all. The woman divorced her husband because of the huge pot.

The woman complained to the court that her husband was not able to perform his 'husband's duties properly' due to the excessive discharge. The woman also complained to the court that her husband did not take her words into account despite her repeated requests to reduce body fat.

He said that, 'My husband cannot properly fulfill the husband's rights over his wife due to the huge pot. In such a situation, she requested her husband to divorce her. But her husband did not agree. In the end, he had to be reminded by the court. After hearing the arguments of both parties, the court ruled in favor of divorce.

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