The Dhaka Times
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80 tons of snakes killed annually in Vietnam!

The Dhaka Times Desk 80 tons of snakes killed annually in Vietnam! Basically, these snakes are killed from the seashore. Due to this, several fishermen also lost their lives in this poisonous sport.

80 tons snakes killed

According to media sources, at least 80 tons of poisonous snakes are caught from the coast of Vietnam every year. However, it is said that while killing this snake, several fishermen also lost their lives in this poisonous sport. But due to the huge demand of snake venom in the world market, this snake catching business is flourishing.

The scientists published this information in December in a journal of conservation. They said that the fishermen are in active contact with the snake trafficking ring. Biologists are questioning whether catching sea snakes in large numbers could harm our nature.

According to conservationists, Vietnamese fishermen catch at least 80 tons of venomous snakes every year. The number is expected to be more than 225,500. The value of these snakes in the world market is approximately 3 million dollars.

It should be noted that the heart and gall bladder of all these snakes are made up of medicines for diseases like insomnia, joint pain. And so there is a worldwide demand for snakes. And these fishermen are taking advantage of that opportunity.

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