The Dhaka Times
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A mother strangled her daughter for urinating on the bed!

The Dhaka Times Desk The news is definitely exceptional. Because a mother can sacrifice her life for her child. But this time, a mother strangled her daughter for urinating on the bed!

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The news is definitely exceptional. Because a mother can sacrifice her life for her child. But this time, a mother strangled her daughter for urinating on the bed!

According to media reports, a mother had been physically torturing her adopted daughter for a long time because her daughter had urinated on the bed. At one point, the impatient mother strangled her two-year-old daughter to death on the same charge! In this incident, the 26-year-old woman named Adrienne Williams was arrested by the United States Wilkingsburg police. The bigoted woman Adrien also confessed to killing her daughter during the police interrogation.

The woman told the police that she had tried many times to teach her daughter how to keep herself clean through natural remedies. But despite being told repeatedly, the girl was not learning it at all. Sometimes the girl would wet the bed. And so he held the girl's throat in anger. Adriona's daughter died of suffocation. References:

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