The Dhaka Times
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Discover the world's longest fish!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are various types of things in the world, the shortest, the fattest, the thinnest. But this time the discovery is the longest fish.

Discover the world's tallest fish

There are many things in the world, which at first sight or hearing may seem like fairy tales. But this is not a fairy tale, it happened in reality. Recently, a 36-foot snake-like animal was caught on camera by the BBC. Although such creatures are few in the world, they are not unreal. Experts call it the longest fish.

Although it looks exactly like a snake, it is actually a type of marine fish. It is the longest bony fish in the sea. The name of this fish is 'Orphis'. Experts say that although it looks scary, this species of fish is actually very harmless.

Such fish are rarely found in the oceans. This fish lives at a depth of 1000 feet from 500' in the sea. This fish was first discovered in 1772 by a naturalist named Peter Aquanis. So he named it. In 2013, two such orphis washed up dead on a California beach in the United States.

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