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Babui Pakhi, the master craftsman, is on the verge of extinction

The Dhaka Times Desk Many things come to mind when I hear the name of the baby bird. Hanging nests with palm trees. What a beautiful house. This baby bird is a craftsman. Let me remind you again about the words of that baby bird. How many times have I seen this baby bird's nest when I was young. A bird that builds a perfect nest is best called a master craftsman.
Babui Bird-0
If you remember the words of that poem while talking about Babui Pakhi:
Grandfather calls to the bird and says, / From the hut, brag about the industry; / I live in a house with great happiness, / How much you suffer in the sun, rain and storm. / Grandfather laughs and says, Do you doubt it / I suffer, but I live in my own house; And the house, / built with my own hands, my house is Khasa.

Rajinikanth Sen's famous poem on the happiness of independence is still on people's lips. But the freedom and happiness of the well-known baby bird of poetry are under threat today. Babui birds are disappearing due to habitat destruction. Hard to find anymore. This bird is gradually disappearing.

Babui birds were seen even 10-15 years ago. Not so visible now. Not to be seen hanging from the fronds of the lined lone palm trees is their elaborately crafted nest. Villages in rural Bengal do not resound with the sound of chirping. Due to indiscriminate poaching, use of pesticides, poaching, unplanned urbanization and adverse effects of climate change, this bird is becoming extinct today.

Babui birds are truly famous for their exquisitely crafted hut-like hanging nests. Babui weaves nests with reeds and hogla leaves. The house is as strong as it is attractive. The tough weave nest does not tear easily. Not torn by heavy storms. For this reason, many call it a weaver bird. This bird's nest awakens human and aesthetic sense as well as inspires self-reliance.

How to build this house

Babu works hard to build a house. Covers the grass with its beak. Smoothes the round shape by rubbing with the stomach. Initially there are two downward facing holes. Later it is closed on one side and there is a place to keep the eggs. On the other side, it forms the entrance and exit. It is said that, to light the house at night, Babu brought Jonaki and brought it to Gonje. Babui build their nests in groups of palm trees, coconut trees, date palms, raintrees and acacia trees in the village. As the meat of Babu bird is delicious, a group of hunters break the nest and take the bird. That is why the number of baboons is decreasing day by day.

There are three species of baboons

There are three types of baboons namely Desi, Dagi and Bengali. Among them, Dagi baboon and Bengal baboon are on the verge of extinction. However, some can still be seen in Desi Babu villages. They usually live by eating seeds of various crops, rice, insects, grass, leaves of small plants, honey and pollen of flowers etc.

We have to pay attention so that this traditional bird of Bengal and its beautiful hanging nest does not go away from our society. This bird lived in a palm tree. Experts believe that loss of habitat due to the loss of trees is the main reason for the decline of the birds. Therefore, experts opined that concerted efforts are necessary to sustain the baby bird and its nest.

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