The Dhaka Times Desk There are many natural disasters in coastal areas. Launch, steamers or sometimes helicopters are used for rescue from these natural disasters. Also helicopters cannot be used during natural disasters. But this time robots will be used for rescue work in natural disasters or any time. This robot will fly and drop buoys to save people from drowning in water during disasters. News The TechJournal.
Scientists had previously invented a robot named Emily. The robot that floated in the water came to rescue. But this time they will go one step further by flying to rescue people and dropping buoys to help people stay afloat.
It is said that not only in natural disasters, it can also help people in situations like air strikes at sea. It is equipped with navigation equipment, artificial intelligence, sound and image processing, self-guided search and rescue and barometer and compass and various sensors. This robot also acts as a lighthouse at sea. So that common people including fishermen benefit. In addition, there is a thermal camera. It also has its own sea platform and multiple chargers with solar panels. Satellites are used to control these robots. Information can be exchanged through satellites.
This robot works mainly based on sound. This robot will detect the location very quickly and start working whenever people make a sound for rescue in case of danger. This robot will quickly drop a buoy to rescue a drowning person. Currently this robot can drop 3 buoys and help 3 people at once. In the future, it will be able to help 15 people simultaneously, the researchers said.
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