The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Savory Carrot Zorda

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have a winter vegetable carrot item for you. Delicious Carrot Zorda. Let's learn how to make it.

Funny carrot Jadda


  • # carrots grated 2 cups
  • # ghee half cup
  • # sugar 1 cup
  • # milk powder 4 tbsp
  • # Liquid Milk Half Cup
  • # Saffron 3 tsp
  • # rose water 1 tsp
  • # raisins 3 tbsp
  • # marmalade 4 tbsp
  • # Cardamom and Cinnamon 4
  • # Pistachio Nuts Crushed 1 Tbsp
  • prepared method

    First boil carrots with liquid milk. Add raisins, cardamom and cinnamon to the pan with ghee. Now lightly fry with carrots. Then add sugar, milk powder, marmalade. Now add sugar syrup and dry it well. Drizzle with saffron and rose water and sprinkle pistachios on top before serving.

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