The Dhaka Times
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This time the actress with a drone marriage proposal!

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of drones is increasing day by day. Now a novel story of using drones was heard. This time the actress has been proposed with a drone.

The proposed marriage & drone

This novel proposal has been given to Chinese actress Zhang Zayi. This actress got stardom thanks to famous films like 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. A fancy marriage proposal that recently came to him. However, actress Zhang Zayi also agreed to it. The marriage proposal to her was a novel one. In other words, the marriage proposal was captured by the drone.

According to the media, actress Zhang Zayi recently turned 36 years old. He was spending time with friends and relatives on this occasion. Suddenly a drone came down from the sky. Everyone was shocked. But after a while the real story came to light. This drone carries the lover's favorite phrase, 'Will you marry me?' That lover is none other than Chinese rock star and composer Wang Feng. He sent this drone along with an engagement ring. Zhang was overwhelmed by this great proposal. And so he also gave a yes-signal opinion. Zhang's manager Jie Lingling confirmed the incident to the Associated Press.

Meanwhile, 5 hours after the incident, Zhang addressed her future husband on microblog and wrote, 'I love you so much to complete my life. All our troubles will go away, we will grow old hand in hand.'

The media also reported that after sending the proposal via drone, Wang came in person at night to say 'Happy Birthday'. Actress Zhang agreed to the proposal there. Then the night sky became colorful with fireworks. Love was spread all over the place.

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