The Dhaka Times
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A postman who failed in love was jailed and fined!

The Dhaka Times Desk Failing in love, how many people sit idly by. A postman has done such a thing. After failing in love, he threw his 300 letters and parcels in the dustbin. In the end, he had to pay jail and fine for this.

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Postman Sandeep Singh felt that his bag was as heavy as a stone after failing in love. This British postman threw about 300 letters and parcels into the dustbin. However, he had to pay jail and fine for this incident.

What is the fault of Nottingham city postman Sandeep Singh Bechari! This 27-year-old man's heart was completely broken due to his breakup with his girlfriend. That's why the letter bag seemed as heavy as a stone for the past few days. And so he started dropping some letters instead of delivering them. He thought, in the era of mobile phones, these letters carried the importance of the slyness in that postman. But apart from letters, there were important documents like telephone bills, bank statements and credit card bills.

Over three weeks, he threw at least 229 letters into the dustbin. Another 50 letters were left in his car but even under the bed. Later, the cleaners came to clean the dustbin and recovered those letters.

After this incident came to light, charges of letter destruction and delay in letter delivery were recently brought against him. He was sentenced to 8 days and 8 hours in jail and also fined 2300 euros. Meanwhile, many people were surprised by the news of such incident. Many people thronged the court premises to catch a glimpse of him. Many people say, is really a lover!

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