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Courtroom closed for fear of ghosts!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hearing the ghost makes the hair stand on end. One such ghost story happened in the court. The courtroom is finally closed for fear of ghosts.

Fear ghost

Courtroom or ghost factory? Everyone should be afraid of ghosts. Yes, there has been news of such a court. In that court, you can hear the bone-chilling sound of the ghost. A variety of mysterious incidents occur again. The court authorities had to lock the door of the courtroom after being forced by the ghost.

The incident took place in Mysore, India. Rumors have been circulating in a lower courtroom there for months. Due to ghosts, the courtroom has been closed and used as a store for broken tables and chairs. This situation has been going on for the past 9 months.

According to media sources, this courtroom of the Additional District and Sessions Court of Mysore has been closed since May 2014. This 'haunted' courtroom is the first thing you see when you enter through the main door of the court. The bar association here has protested against keeping a room locked for a long time after such a strange incident in a court busy with thousands of cases.

What happened in that courtroom? In such a question, it is known that the judge who used to conduct the case in this courtroom died in a road accident last year. Since then, rumors of ghosts spread here. The fear of ghosts spread to such an extent that even the court authorities agreed to it. Lawyers' organizations said that such rumors were spread by an unscrupulous group to defame the late judge. But the question of the bar association is why the court authorities locked the courtroom by listening to rumors without conducting any investigation.

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