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Venus-Mars-Moon in a row: indication of the destruction of the world?

The Dhaka Times Desk Various studies of space scientists have been going on for ages. And while doing these researches, the space scientists are still sleeping. Scientists say, Venus-Mars-Moon in a row. So does this indicate the destruction of the world?

Venus-Mars-moon in a row

Space scientists in almost all parts of the world spent Saturday night without sleep. Their eyes are fixed on the distant sky through the telescope. On this night, Mars-Venus and Moon stand in a row. Venus and Mars are very close. Half of the hemisphere has already seen this scene. And on the other side only dusk has fallen. When the sky is covered with darkness, it will be seen that Venus and Mars have come parallel to the moon. This scene is easy to see if you look through the binoculars. On this night, Venus is 1.42 AU and Mars is 2.20 AU from Earth. It is spreading light in the night sky.

Interestingly, if one could see from Mars, they would see Venus and Earth at the same time. And it was so bright that even in the morning sky these two planets seemed as bright as the sun.

According to scientists, on the night of February 21, the moon, Venus and Mars began to move between the constellation Pisces. And by mid-March this moon will enter Aries constellation. And Mars will enter Aries by the very end of March.

Note that earlier the two planets came very close on the night of September 11, 2008. Then on October 5, 2017, they will be close again.

Astrologers have been saying for a long time that such events in space are repeated, but there is still a possibility of Earth destruction during the placement of three such planets in a row. According to space scientists, these strange phenomena occur in space on the occasion of cosmic destruction.

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