The Dhaka Times
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The story of a place that has more water and ice than Earth!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that the Earth has the most water. But scientists have changed that idea. They said, there is a place that has more water and ice than the Earth!


Astronomers have recently announced that the cold planet Pluto, located 3 billion miles from the sun, may have hidden oceans. However, Pluto is not the only world in the solar system to swim in water, scientists have already found such water in the solar system.

Recently, scientists said that Saturn's small moon Dionysus has the possibility of having an underground ocean. One of Jupiter's moons, Europa, is roughly the same size as our own moon. There is ice on top, and possibly oceans below the ice. The amount of water contained in these oceans would be nearly twice the total water on Earth (320 million cubic miles).

Therefore, the famous US news portal Business Insider contacted Steve Vance, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, about the amount of water in other worlds of the solar system compared to Earth. Who has calculated that the amount of water there is likely to be.

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