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Sunlight and water from the fuel!

Science and technology are advancing steadily. Or it can be said that science is advancing at a breakneck speed

The Dhaka Times Desk Science and technology are advancing steadily. Or it can be said that science is advancing at a breakneck speed. And thanks to that science, many improvements are happening. This time the fuel will be from sunlight and water.

সূর্যের আলো এবং পানি থেকেই হবে জ্বালানি! 1

Science and technology are advancing steadily. Or it can be said that science is advancing at a breakneck speed. And thanks to that science, many improvements are happening. This time the fuel will be from sunlight and water. We all know the extent of our country's energy crisis. We are trying in various ways to get rid of this energy crisis. For example, we are leaning towards nuclear power to meet our electricity needs. Although the cost of nuclear power generation is very low, there are safety questions. Yet we are setting up nuclear reactors without looking at that safety to move forward. But this time the new news is that the energy will come from sunlight and water. Hundreds of crores of rupees are lost every year to meet the energy demand. But such an innovation is undoubtedly a good news for us.

In today's world, there is no end to the problems with energy. Moreover, this fuel is also a major cause of pollution. On the other hand, due to high demand, the price of this fuel is also high. Countries like India have to depend on certain countries. Some students in India have tried to solve all these problems together.

Students of IIT Jodhpur in India called it 'Fuel of the Future'. Fuel is produced in exactly the opposite way to the way plants photosynthesize. This has been reported by the researchers.

The students said that this process would require a lot of sunlight. Hydrogen and oxygen will be separated from water in that light.

According to a report of the Times of India, the researchers found a chemical catalyst or catalyst called 'lanthanide'. That catalyst will produce pure hydrogen after separating the oxygen. And that can be used as fuel.

It should be noted that currently hydrogen is produced using methane. But it is quite a costly process. Therefore, a temperature of 1000 to 2000 degrees is required. Professor Rakesh Kumar Sharma, one of the research team said that it will be possible to produce fuel at such a low cost for the first time. He believes that if this method can be implemented in practice, the production of energy will become much easier.

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