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Earthquake water becomes gold!

The Dhaka Times Desk The magnitude of earthquakes has increased in recent times. But this is the first news that water turns into gold after an earthquake. What is it really?


The harmful aspects of this natural disaster and ways of protection are discussed in various media. But now know about an exceptional aspect of earthquakes. Where science has proven that water becomes gold due to earthquakes!

The US magazine highlighted this exceptional aspect of the earthquake. According to the magazine report, water turns into gold due to earthquakes. 80 percent of the world's total gold reserves are created in this way!

Professor Dion Weatherly, a geophysicist at the University of Queensland in Australia, has developed a model of water turning into gold in an earthquake. The model shows how rocks and metals are transformed into gold by the pressure and heat of an earthquake!

A special report on this model was published in the journal Nature Geoscience last year. In that report, Dion Weatherly stated that earthquakes are a natural way for water to turn to gold.

But although it is possible to artificially convert water into gold in the laboratory, it is not possible to create this gold on the surface of the earth in a natural earthquake, he said. Dion Weatherly explains this with his special model of making gold out of water. It shows how earthquakes create large faults in the ocean floor.

The large cracks caused by this fault are immediately filled with water. The bigger these cracks get, the closer the lava gets to the interior. Silica, carbon-dioxide, mineral crystals in superheated lava combine with oxygen to form gold.

In the report, Professor Dion Weatherly also said, as easy as the whole thing is to say, the matter is actually not that simple. Therefore, after hundreds of years, a large amount of gold is produced in nature in an earthquake of a particular magnitude.

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