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Australian schoolboy dies in suicide attack in Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk An Australian schoolboy died in a suicide attack in Iraq. The student moved to the Middle East to fight for the Islamic State (IS).

Australian schoolboy killed

An Australian schoolboy died in a suicide bombing in Iraq. He moved to the Middle East to fight for the Islamic State (IS). According to media reports, the student, 18-year-old Jack Bilardi from Melbourne, was a Muslim convert. In 2014, Jacques Bilardi went to Iraq via Türkiye.

A Twitter account linked to IS released a photo on Wednesday. It shows Jack Bilardi sitting in the driver's seat of a white car. It is captioned, 'May God accept him'.

Meanwhile, the Australian government said, they are still unable to confirm anything about this report. But Prime Minister Tory Abbott described it as 'a truly dire situation'.

Prime Minister Tory Abbott also said, "It is very important that we do everything we can to protect our young generation from these extremist ideologies."

An estimated 90 Australians have crossed into Syria and Iraq to fight for IS. Apart from this, about 150 Australians have support for the IS militant group - this has been reported by the media.

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