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13 million people died in the war in the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk No one can believe where the passion of war leads people without seeing it. At least 13 million people lost their lives in the war in the United States alone!

United States &  war

The ravages of war are spreading all over the world. Not a day goes by that there is no news of loss of life in war. As soon as we open the news media, we see the news of loss of life in war in some country. At least 1.3 million people have been killed directly or indirectly in the US-led war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan alone in a decade.

According to a recent news report by news agency PTI, such information has emerged in a recently published research report on the statistics of casualties in the US-led war against terrorism.

The research report titled 'Body Count: Casualties in the War on Terror 10 Years Later' was released. This has been done by several international organizations of physicians. Those organizations are - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Physicians for Global Survival. The research report included the number of casualties in the US-led war on terrorism from 2004 to 2013.

The report also said that during this period, nearly 1.3 million people were killed directly or indirectly in the US-led war on terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Among them, 1 million people were killed in Iraq alone. 220,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan. About 81 thousand people were killed in Pakistan.

According to the report, at least 81,000 people have been killed in the US-led war on terrorism in Pakistan alone. 48 thousand 504 of those killed were civilians. 5 thousand 498 members of Pakistani security forces. In addition, 26 thousand 862 militants have been killed in the report.

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