The Dhaka Times
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China's Si Ong made a century of suicide attempts!

The Dhaka Times Desk Only the cricketers make a century? Nor is the century happening in other areas as well. A Chinese man has made a century of suicide attempts. Dreaming of a new life at last.

attempted suicide Century

A person in China has attempted suicide a hundred times, i.e. a century. But he failed a hundred times. So he is bored and dreams of living anew by avoiding the path of suicide.

Si Ong, a resident of Zhejiang province in China, started trying to commit suicide in 2003. After divorcing his wife, Si Ong decided to end this life. First play poison. The doctors saved the service. Then one suicide attempt after another. Hanging from the fan of the house, even jumped in front of the metro. A few days ago, he tried to commit suicide by hanging from a tree in front of the house. But the rules left; A neighbor saw him and saved him. Before this, every time he survived and cried. But this time he did not cry. He said with a smile that he will not die in this life, now he wants to live. He tried hundreds of times but nothing worked, he failed every time. So he didn't die anymore. This world did not even give him the freedom to die. And so now he has decided to give up trying to die. Chinese centurion Si Ong is dreaming of a new life.

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