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A mind-blowing trap called the pot tree!

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of different types of trees in the world cannot be counted. One such mind-blowing trap tree is the pitcher plant. It is unthinkable that plants can be such a trap.

Insects in Pitcher Plant

Strange as it may sound, the pitcher plant is actually another name for mind trap. This plant is a master at trapping small insects with this beauty.

The English name of this pitcher plant is pitcher plant. In Bengal it is also known as pitcher plant or pitcher plant. It is so named because the leaves look like pitchers. Kalus is actually a type of carnivorous plant. There are about 80 species of pitcher plants. This plant is found in different parts of the world. For example, South America, Madagascar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and other countries have various species of pitcher plants. But never heard of Kalsagach in Bangladesh.

Pitcher Plant-2

It is known that the leaves of different pitcher plants are different. But the basic appearance or structure is the same. All look like swollen pitchers. And the inner part is completely hollow. And there is a kind of lid near the mouth of the leaf. However, depending on the species, the color, size and shape of the leaves are different. The leaves of this pitcher plant can range from 2 inches to 2 feet in length.

The pitcher-like leaves are the pitcher plant's main hunting weapon. They are usually colored. The leaf attached to the calyx is more like a tube. The entrance is at the beginning of this tube. And a kind of honey is produced at the entrance. The end of the tube is hollow and cup-shaped. And rain water accumulates in this part.

The most surprising thing is that its entrance is always open. Various insects get inside the leaves after being attracted by the honey and colorful leaves. Because the inside of the tube is slippery, the insects cannot climb up. Rather, it slips further down. At the end of the tube there are numerous horns; After passing through all these, the insects finally fall into the stagnant water. Then they can never come out from there. A digestive juice then comes out and dissolves the soft parts of the insect's body, allowing it to be absorbed by the plant. And the solids accumulate at the bottom of the pitcher. This is how this strange type of plant pitcher traps its prey. This pitcher plant preys on small insects and even mice and frogs. In short, whoever steps into its trap has no protection.

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