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Notice of divorce on Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk It goes without saying that Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms these days. But even if everything is positive, the divorce notice came to Facebook!

Notice the divorce on Facebook

Many of us know that there are many examples of social media using Facebook to build relationships. There are many examples of young people socializing through Facebook. But this time perhaps an exceptional event was seen. That is, the legal precedent for breaking the relationship. The decision of a New York judge in the United States is similar. The court allowed a woman to send a divorce notice on Facebook.

According to a report by the American media CNN, a woman named Elanora Arthur Baidu is trying to send a divorce notice to her husband Victor Sena Blood-Jraku.

According to the woman's lawyer, Andrew Spinnell, he and his client have been looking for Victor for a long time. When contacted by phone, he said that he has no permanent address. According to the information provided by the court, he also refused to accept the divorce notice.

In such a situation, having no other option, Spinel sought the court's permission to send the divorce notice using social media. Judge Matthew Cooper allowed the divorce notice to be sent through Facebook in this case. However, the court said that the woman must prove that Victor is the previous owner of the account and that she regularly uses the account.

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