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All the funny stories about the election!

The Dhaka Times Desk The three city corporation election campaigns of the country are now in full swing. Here are all the weirdest funny stories about the world's elections at such a time.

Bizarre election ridiculous story

Elections mean campaigning of candidates, meetings, processions, miking, engagement of Election Commission etc. Election is also an important issue. This is because people choose their leaders or representatives through these elections. Who will lead the future.

Various incidents have happened in the countries of the world regarding this election. Some of the exceptional events in the history of elections are in this report today. These election topics will leave you speechless. So let's get to know some interesting stories of the election.

Foot powder and a leader

Picoja, Ecuador. About the year 1967. Oddly enough, the residents voted for a special brand of foot powder called foot powder. This incident took place during the election campaign when a cosmetic company was promoting a powder called Pulvapies.

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They wrote in the ad, 'Vote for any candidate in the upcoming elections. But if you want to be good and clean, vote for Pulvapies.' The institution itself did not think that the local public would take it so seriously. On the evening of the polling day, the organization distributed leaflets that read 'For Mayor: Honorable Pulvapies'. Voters sealed them and dropped them in the ballot box. Chose the foot powder! The National Electoral Tribunal was put in jeopardy and the losing candidates threatened to sue the powder manufacturer.

Chosen dead people!

Country by country elections choose good people or people with whom the work of the area will be done. He also selected those people. But it certainly never happens that one chooses a dead man.

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But believe it or not, such incidents have happened. In 2009, Earl Wood (96) and Charles Beasley (77) won the election campaigns in Florida and Alabama, respectively, who died a few weeks before the election. Wood's plan was to become Orange County's tax collector. Wood Seber was elected with 56% votes.

Charles was elected again in Alabama with 52% votes! In addition, Jerry Oropeza died just a week before the election while running for the California Senate. He did not get an opportunity to withdraw his nomination papers. The deceased Jerry was also elected by a large margin.

One person was selected by accident

Fabio Borsatti is a native of a small village in Italy. He is a completely non-political person. A friend of his stood as the only candidate for mayor in the local elections. But with only one candidate facing the possibility of cancellation, Fabio's friend told him to stand. Fabio was not agreeing to anything. But to help a friend, he finally stood for election. He thought that his friend would get elected easily. But fate may have written something else. Even Fabio's own family did not vote for him, yet Fabio was elected with 58% votes. And his only rival, that friend is the loser!

Fabio initially wanted to step down, but ultimately remained in his elected position due to widespread public opposition. Having no previous experience, he had some problems at first but later settled himself completely.

Cat was elected mayor of the city

The town of Talkeetna, Alaska has been run by a cat mayor for the past 15 years. The incident started when the townspeople campaigned for a cat called 'Stubbs'. Because according to them, cats would be better representatives than humans.

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The people of that country are very happy with Stubbs. This is because he does not impose excessive taxes, does not interfere in trade and is honest. About 40 people visit Stubbs every day. Stubbs also has his own Facebook fan page with over 10,000 subscribers.

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