The Dhaka Times
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A story of a strange factory!

The Dhaka Times Desk What is happening in the world? Someone is floating on money. Again someone is floating on oil. The Saudis have money from oil. Therefore, all kinds of strange things happen in them sometimes.

bizarre story

The story of the sheikhs of Dubai has been published in various newspapers and magazines from time to time. Their pride in oil. One such story is prevalent among the people of Dubai. The story goes that, 'Sheikhs of Dubai buy a liter of water for a liter of oil'. Although these stories are largely true, they have been proven true. The creator has not given any lack of money and prestige. The great creator has blessed them with mercy and blessings.

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And so the people of Bangladesh used to go crazy to go to Dubai. In Bangladesh, there were sayings such as 'Go to Dubai and give me money'. The people of Bangladesh viewed going to Dubai as a big deal. At one time there was no interest in going to any other country like America, Britain or Japan. Although that day is no more. People have learned to understand. Now everyone knows where to earn more money.

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The story of Dubai was quite fascinating then. Because the natives of that country do not have the strength of institutional or technical education. But still the country's maximum use of technology and huge buildings clearly show where they stand. It can be said that Dubai is now the first choice of Western luxury people. If you have money here, everything matches. Even tiger milk is available.

While fantasy to the rest of the world, they are reality to the people of Dubai. That is, if you have money, you can do anything. And they are showing it. A sheikh of Dubai wakes up in the morning and likes to ride on the back of a lion. Pike Payada is late in telling this wish but it will not be late at all in effect. Sheikhs of Dubai indulge in such diverse hobbies. They get what they want when they want it. Because if you have money, the world is at your fingertips. The Sheikhs of Dubai proved exactly that.

The story of Dunya Jora Dubai is scattered. These myths of Dubai have spread all over the world. These stories entice and surprise people.

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