The Dhaka Times
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The story of a strange floating village! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk I have told you the story of the floating airport. But today there is a story of a strange floating village.

a Village strange tale of floating

The strange floating village is called Santadu. This village is located 30 km from Ningde city in China. The village is completely floating. The village is located in a place where no one steps into a riot. The residents there never stepped into a riot.

According to history, this village in China's Fujian province was destroyed by Japanese bombs during the Second World War. The village was washed away like a poison boil on the milk. But life is strange. Creation is amazing. A wonderful village was created in the midst of destruction. Which only floats on the water!

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After that war, the residents built new villages using bamboo, then discarded plastic etc. There are many houses made of wood in the village. There is a restaurant here. There is also a police station there. All these things just float. Plastic is used in wooden houses in such a way that it is very easy to float.

The main livelihood of this village is fishing. Everything is called Sristi's Leela, because nature has completely poured this village. There are various types of fish under the water of this village, starting from prawns, kucho shrimps, lobsters. The best 'sea food' of China is available here. Residents here fish during the day, and at night there are various festivals in the floating village. And then this village looks very strange from a distance. It seems as if the festival floats in light, overcoming adversity. But sometimes people have to fall under the fire of nature. But the people of this area have to survive by dealing with it. That is exactly how the village of Santadu survives. And the people of the village are living by floating. This is how the life and livelihood of this village and the people of the village is going on.

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