The Dhaka Times Desk A lover washed the groom at the wedding ceremony. Such an incident took place in Avhodipur village of Huridar district of India last Sunday.
At the wedding, the groom was washed by his ex-lover. Due to this incident, the bride and her family finally broke off the marriage. This incident happened in Avhodipur village of Huridar district of India last Sunday.
According to the news of Times of India, on the day of the wedding, a woman suddenly appeared like an angel during the exchange of the bride and groom. She claimed to be the groom's old lover and then started slapping the groom in front of the crowd. She claimed that she had been in a relationship with the groom for several years and that they even went to the court and got married secretly. The lover also threatened that the man will be sent to jail if he marries another woman.
Then the groom's family members calmed the woman down and the lover left the scene. But even this did not save the groom. After this unexpected incident, the bride herself sat down. She said that it is not possible for her to marry such a disgusting person. At this time, his family also took his side. They send out the wedding party to the groom and his family members.