The Dhaka Times
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This time the wedding is hanging on the glass bridge in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the number of wedding arrangements. This time the wedding is hanging on that glass bridge in China!

glass bridge hanging marriage

Everyone was surprised to see the arrangement of the Chinese couple. The reason is that they have chosen for the wedding the hanging bed with the much talked about glass bridge! Under this bridge is a deep chasm. August 9 was the Chinese Valentine's Day. So on that date they decided to get married while hanging on the glass bridge. That is why a bed is made very strong with a rope with a glass bridge.

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About 600 feet above the ground, they posed with a smile on the camera. This glass bridge, built at the same height as a mountain in China's Hunan province, has already received a lot of response from tourists. Many tourists flock here to enjoy the fear and a thrilling journey at the same time. This time, the world-famous glass bridge is hanging on the shelves of this Chinese couple!

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