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Switzerland is the home of the happiest people in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Switzerland is home to the happiest people in the world. Switzerland has been selected as the happiest country among 158 countries in a recent study.

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If you are asked which country's people are the happiest? That question may be difficult to answer. But no this time it can be said very easily. Because a group of researchers have researched, the happiest people in the world live in Switzerland. Switzerland was selected after a long research among 158 countries. The research report was published last Thursday. Switzerland is followed by Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Canada according to the annual world happiness report.

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Sorry country Togo

The survey also revealed that Togo is home to the world's saddest people. The list of saddest countries is followed by Burundi, Benin, Rwanda and Syria. The survey was conducted by an organization called Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia University's Earth Institute, said, 'This report shows how to keep people happy in any country. But this issue is not only about money, but also depends on honesty, good health, faith and justice.'

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Switzerland is a happy country

Understanding the importance of people being happy, the United Nations announced the International Day of Happiness from 2012. And so this report has been published since 2012.

According to media reports, the main topics of the survey were health protection, social assistance, freedom of choice and per capita gross domestic product. Based on the criteria of these factors, the happiness index of the people of different countries is created. For the first time, researchers have broken this data down by location, gender and even age.

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Switzerland is a happy country

Studies show that women find themselves happier than men as they age. Again, it has been found that younger people are happier on average than older people.

9 of the top 10 happiest countries this year were also on the 2013 list. Although Denmark was at the top of the ranking last year. The report also captures how the global financial crisis has had the opposite effect on people's happiness.

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