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Earthquake: Nepal has become a devastated city

The Dhaka Times Desk Saturday's earthquake killed more than 3,000 people. Now Nepal has become a ruined city.

Earthquake & Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful city. Nepal is an attractive place for tourists. But Saturday's earthquake turned the beautiful city into a ruined city. A look at the city now turns into a pile of garbage. All around is the smell of corpses. Where once people used to come to enjoy the beauty - that city is now a place of death.

Earthquake & Nepal-2

Saturday's earthquake measured 7.9 on the Richter scale. A terrible humanitarian disaster has occurred in Nepal, which was devastated by the disastrous earthquake. According to the latest news, the number of dead in the country has exceeded 3 thousand. At least 5 thousand people were injured. The death toll is increasing every moment. No one can say for sure how many more bodies will be found. However, the number of casualties is expected to be much higher.

Earthquake & Nepal-3

In one of the worst humanitarian disasters in history, many countries and international donor organizations have extended their hands to help Nepal in rescue operations, relief supplies and rehabilitation. Various countries of the world including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan have already sent volunteers with relief materials and medical care materials.

Earthquake & Nepal-4

At least 17 people were killed in Saturday's quake-triggered avalanche on Mount Everest. This is the first time that so many climbers have been killed in an avalanche. Trained personnel and volunteers participating in the rescue operation are continuing their non-stop efforts to rescue the dead and people trapped in the rubble.

About 800 people were killed in the capital Kathmandu alone. Bulldozers or other heavy equipment used in rescue operations could not be taken to several parts of the oldest city. Because of this, with what is available at hand, the injured are being rescued by creating a tunnel in the damaged building.

On Saturday at 11:56 am local time, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck between Kathmandu and Pokhara, the capital of Nepal. After the first earthquake hit, another earthquake of magnitude 6.6 struck again.

Thousands of people are now spending the night under the open sky. A humanitarian disaster has occurred in Nepal. The sky of Nepal has become heavy with the tears of the bereaved. The earthquake of that day was strongly felt beyond Nepal to India, Bangladesh and Tibet region of China. More than 54 people have lost their lives in India. 3 people were killed and at least 500 injured in Bangladesh. A devastating earthquake in 1934 killed around 8,500 people in the sparsely populated country. This is the worst earthquake in Nepal after so many years.

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