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Sylhet's Lalakhal is a beautiful landscape of natural beauty

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Thursday, 30 April 2015 Christ, 17 Baisakh 1422 Bangabd, 10 Rajab 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

incomparable natural beauty lalakhal

The picture you are looking at is the Lalakhal of Sylhet, a beautiful land of immense natural beauty. It is located in Jaintapur Upazila, about 35 km from Sylhet city.

Hills, rivers, tea gardens and various types of trees are all a unique natural beauty. And so this place is much desired and much awaited by tourists. Clear blue water and the beauty of both sides. There are rare opportunities for long sea voyages. Lalakhal is a secluded and breathtakingly beautiful travel spot to attract travel lovers. Lalakhal is the highest rainfall place in Bangladesh. As you go along the waterway, you have to be impressed wherever you look.

Lalakhal is located just below Cherrapunji in India. This river originates from the Cherrapunji hills and flows through Bangladesh. But if you want to see the blue color of the water, you have to go during winter. Because the color of the water is not very blue when it rains. You too can be a part of this amazing beauty. That's why you have to go to Lalakhal in Sylhet. Many thanks to its photographer for such a beautiful picture.

Photo: Courtesy of

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