The Dhaka Times
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World map pictures as birthmarks on the body!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that human body has birthmarks. These birthmarks are also used as special marks in passports. An unusual birthmark was heard. The picture of the world map was seen as a birthmark in a human body!

picture world map as body

It is difficult to understand when and where what is hidden. And the artwork is hidden in the tattoos on people or something like that. Generally, birthmarks are considered as body defects by everyone. Those who have birthmarks on their body, often try to hide them. Of course, if the scar is large or strange. But in most cases, a very small scar is a birthmark. And it is used as a special mark or authentication mark in the passport. But a very exceptional incident happened to a man named Jacob. Jacob finds the whole world within his birthmark.

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Jacob, a college student from New York, has created a dream world without hiding the birthmarks spread across his body.

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It is known that Jacob has a huge scar spread over his right hand and arm since birth. Which looks exactly like a map. After painting a black border around this spot in purple, it really looks like the map. In addition to land and water bodies, Jacob's map also includes small islands. Last week, Jacob took to social media to upload a photo of a map made of his own birthmark. He captioned it - 'Birthmap'.

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