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Delhi Law Minister's law certificate is fake!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian law minister's certificate is fake. The whole of India is abuzz with such news. Is it really so?

Delhi Law Minister

Law Minister Jitender Singh Tomar's law degree certificate in Delhi's Aam Aadmi Party government is fake. On such a news, there was a commotion in the Masnad of Delhi.

The matter went up to the High Court. Last Monday, the High Court said that there is no record of the minister's law degree. In the context of these comments, Congress leader Ajay Manken demanded his dismissal last Tuesday. Those concerned believe that the minister has become an advocate with a fake degree. Meanwhile, after the comments of the High Court, the Tilak Majhi Bhagalpur University authorities of Bihar have started an investigation on the matter.

The High Court commented that, 'Your provisional certificate is 'fake', it is not in the records of the university.' The High Court's comments also said, 'The serial number given in the law minister's certificate, the name of another person in that number in the record. The court gave the law minister till August 20 to reply in this regard.

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