The Dhaka Times
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Today is May 1: Great May Day

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is May 1 - Great May Day. A glorious day with bloody memories of workers' struggle and rights against deprivation, torture and discrimination.

May Day

On this day in 1886, the workers started a continuous movement in the 'Hay Market' square of the city of Chicago, USA, demanding an 8-hour working time. Many workers were injured in the indiscriminate firing by the police on the agitating workers. Protests spread around the world. After that, the unity of working people was developed worldwide. In the end, the US government was forced to accept the demands of the workers.

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On 14th July 1889, the Second International Labor Conference held in Paris decided to celebrate the bloody day of Chicago as 'May Day'. Since 1890, May Day has been celebrated every year in the world. Like different countries of the world, in Bangladesh today, public and private organizations are celebrating the day through various programs.
May Day-3

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