The Dhaka Times
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The strike of 18 parties began. Cocktail explosions and vandalism

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP led 18-party alliance has started a 36-hour strike. Cocktail explosions and car vandalism took place on the first day of the hartal. Hartal supporters marched at various places in the capital.
Hartal 22-4-13

When Chhatra Dal marched at Satrasta junction in Tejgaon in the morning, the police stopped it. At this time, the police arrested 2 people. Meanwhile, in front of Bangla College in Paikpara, 1 cocktail was detonated from the protest procession which came out in support of the hartal. Meanwhile, the police dispersed the procession and recovered 6 unexploded cocktails from there.

In addition, at 6:45 am, supporters of the hartal detonated four strong cocktails at the Ansar camp. The hartal supporters vandalized a CNG autorickshaw in Agargaon. Police arrested a hartal supporter from Mirpur roundabout number 10.
Meanwhile, law and order forces have made extensive security arrangements in the capital. Law enforcement forces including Police-RAB have been stationed at important places in the capital. The police have taken a strict position in Nayapaltan, Shantinagar, Shahbagh, Jatrabari, Malibagh, Badda, Rampura etc. areas of the capital since dawn. RAB members are at important points. Besides, patrol police are patrolling regularly. At various points, the police are searching the suspect's person and vehicle. Nayapaltan BNP office surrounded by police.

Shops are closed in the capital, but public transport is running. Although less than other days, the movement of people towards the office has been noticed. Minibuses, CNG, autorickshaws and rickshaws are plying. However, the long-distance bus did not leave. Train movement is normal.

As of writing this report (9 am), the hartal is being observed peacefully except for one or two small incidents outside Dhaka including Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Rangpur, Bogra.

It should be noted that on the day before the hartal, cars were set on fire and vandalized in different places of the capital.

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