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Waterfall video will help you sleep! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It's a natural rule that anyone's body will feel bad if they don't sleep. And this sleepless person does everything from taking pills to sleep. But nothing will be needed, because the video of the waterfall will help you sleep!

Waterfall video will sleep

This waterfall is in a village called County Leitrim, Ireland. A small river called Bonnet flows through the village and falls like a waterfall down the stone slope under the wooden bridge. According to media sources, one such video uploaded on YouTube has brought relief to millions of insomniacs.

According to media reports, millions of insomniacs from Belfast to Beijing are watching this video. Again they say, they are benefiting a lot. They can now sleep after watching this waterfall video.

According to news media, a cameraman named Jonny Lawson, from Leitrim, made the video. He said, 'Many people suffering from insomnia from different parts of the world and even from North Korea tell him every day. They thankfully say that they are able to get out of insomnia.

This 8 hour video has 6 million hits. The video has already been tested on patients in some London hospitals. The video was uploaded to YouTube by Johnny Lawson about 5 years ago. Seeing so many responses, he himself could not believe it.

Note that this video is being tested along with other therapies to reduce anxiety in mentally disturbed patients at London's famous University College Hospital.

Watch that video if you can't sleep
