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Historic Sura Mosque at Ghoraghat in Dinajpur

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 8 May 2015 Christ, 25 Baishakh 1422 Bangabd, 18 Rajab 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Ghoraghat historical sura mosque

The picture you are looking at is the historic Sura Mosque at Ghoraghat in Dinajpur. This Sura Mosque is a unique example of the architectural art of Dinajpur district.

The mosque is located at Chorgacha Mauza on the northern side of the Hili-Ghoraghat road, about 5 km west of Ghoraghat Upazila Parishad. The mosque is known as Sura Mosque because it is built on a place called Sura. Many also call it as Suja Mosque.

The historic Sura Mosque of Ghoraghat is considered as a unique landmark of the Muslim world. Photo taken after recent renovation. There is also an ancient lake on the north side of the mosque with an area of 350'200 yards (approx). The 15 feet high banks of the lake are quite wide. There is also a wide ghat in the middle of the south bank. According to some, the ghat was about 50 feet wide. About 100 feet south-west of the Dighi Ghat, there is a flat platform about 5 feet high on the southern side of the western part of the southern bank of the Dighi and along the northern side of the Sadar road. It is about 100'50 feet in length from east to west.

The fine brickwork used on the north and south outer walls of the mosque bears resemblance to the Bagha Jame Mosque in Rajshahi built in 1523.

The size of the mosque is 40'60 feet outside. The mosque is long in east and west. There are also 6 octagonal domes outside the mosque, 4 in the four corners and 2 in the two corners of the balcony. It is a reflection of contemporary architecture. These domes are covered with smooth and black stones. The entire outer wall of the mosque is divided into upper and lower parts by a stone border. The mosque is an ancient monument. So many people come from far and wide to pray here.

Image & Info: Courtesy of

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