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The smell of sweat can understand the mentality of the person!

The Dhaka Times Desk The smell of sweat makes us restless. In particular, we absolutely cannot stand the smell of someone else's sweat. But now it is known that a person's mentality can be understood by the smell of sweat.

The smell & sweat

From now on you can easily know the mentality of the person next to you. And that can be done just from the smell of sweat. The researchers said, it will be possible to understand the sweat - the person close to you is happy, or suffering. The researchers said that it is surprising. This information was found in a recently published journal.

The smell & sweat-2

Researchers say that usually the expression of our positive emotions or feelings is accompanied by the smell of sweat. Along with emotions, our body produces a kind of chemical material (chemosignals), which can inform the state of mind.

Experts in the study also said that not only positive, but also negative emotions such as fear and anxiety are associated with the smell of sweat. Again, with the smell of sweat, emotions also have a lot of influence, claimed Gun Semin, a psychologist at Atrecht University in the Netherlands. The researcher said, it is much like an infection.

In the study, the sweat of 12 men from different parts of the world was taken for testing. During the experiment, the 12 people also refrained from smoking, taking drugs, any kind of medicine, intercourse, strong smelling food and excessive exercise.

They were taken into the laboratory dressed in clean clothes, shown films of different emotions (joy, sadness, fear, etc.) and had their bodies sweated at intervals. Similarly, 36 women were included in the study, who did not have any physical or mental illness. Women have a greater sense of smell than men. They were also shown films of different emotions with a 5 minute break. Sweat is taken again.

Examining the sweat of both men and women shows that our body releases different chemicals during each emotion, which also changes the smell. Researchers have found that it is also very important in developing a person's relationship with another person. Only if there is 'behavioral similarity' does the brain accept one person as a friend and scent influences another. However, more research is needed to determine the effect of scent on the brain, the researchers said.

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