The Dhaka Times
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Salahuddin's phone call from India: Hasina's wife confirmed the matter

The Dhaka Times Desk His wife Hasina Ahmed confirmed the news that the missing BNP leader Salahuddin had called from India.

India & Salahuddin phone

There was quite a drama about this matter for about two hours. Various news started coming. Media workers flocked to find out what actually happened. Finally, his wife Hasina Ahmed has confirmed that the missing Joint Secretary General of BNP Salauddin Ahmed has been found.

When various news workers rushed to confirm the matter, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia came out of Gulshan's house 'Firoza' at around 1:30 on Tuesday and confirmed the matter to the waiting news workers.

At that time Salahuddin's wife Hasina Ahmed said, 'He (Salahuddin) called from some place in India. In a moment I will talk to the journalists about this.'

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