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Learn about some powerful and amazing creatures

The Dhaka Times Desk Many kinds of animals live in the world. Among them are many animals that have amazing powers. Today's report is about some such powerful and amazing animals.

power and wonder of animals

Many kinds of animals live in the world. Some creatures have honed their powers over the centuries just to survive. Some of them live on land and some live on the bottom of vast oceans. The great powers of these creatures make us a little jealous. The animals mentioned here have some amazing powers. Today we have for you the amazing powers of some such animals.

Long-legged shrimp or mantis shrimp

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We all know shrimp. The bright and neon-colored ocean creature is the mantis shrimp, also known as the long-legged shrimp. It has not one, but two special powers. Their eyes can see 16 different colors. Even ultraviolet rays are caught in their eyes. Their other ability is that they can move their trunks or legs at speeds of 30 to 50 miles per hour.


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Tardigrades are also known as water bears. They are almost indestructible. A tardigrade less than an inch long can live up to 120 years without food. They can survive in various adverse conditions mainly due to their fast metabolism.

Mimic Octopus

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This mimic octopus has the uncanny ability to mimic jellyfish, lionfish, sea snakes and other marine creatures. Mimic octopuses do this by changing their skin color and shape. A Mimic Octopus agrees to perceive its danger within seconds by seeing the shape and change of something under the sea.


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A complex bird is this lyrebird. The lyrebird's voice has a more complex musculature than all songbirds. One of its strange abilities is that they can imitate countless sounds, whether natural or artificial. Which no other singing or talking bird can ever do. The sounds they can imitate are camera shutter sound, car horn, human voice, dog barking etc. These cannot be finished by writing or speaking. Supposedly, a male lyrebird tries to sing all the words he has learned to attract a female lyrebird. -Based on lolwatt.

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