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Good news for older iPhone-iPad users

The Dhaka Times Desk Good news for older iPhone-iPad users. Because older models have many problems including slowness. Apple is going to bring the solution.

Good news for users of older iPhone-iPad

Older iPhones-iPads are often seen running slow. Apple is going to solve these problems. Older iPhones and iPads will work faster when updated to the latest version of iOS. Apple may release this version of iOS soon. News from NDTV.

Good news for users of older iPhone-iPad-2

iPhone-iPad users often complain that their device slows down after updating iOS. This complaint is most common with iOS 7 and iOS 8. Apple is going to come up with a solution thinking about those who are still using iPhone 4s, iPad 2, or iPad mini. If Apple's new version of the operating system iOS 9 is in the market, it can bring a smile on the face of the users of Apple's old products - it is thought so.

According to media sources, Mark German has already gained fame by leaking secret information about Apple on the technology website NineTwoFiveMac. He is the one who gave this good news citing Apple sources. Apple's next version of OS iOS 9 has the facility to optimize older devices.

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