The Dhaka Times
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Baby and Dog Friendship: Watch a Unique Video! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The affinity between dogs and humans is not new today. But so the relationship with the child? I don't think we've heard that before. Watch such a rare video today!

Children and dog relationship

We have never seen the bond between a child and a dog like this before. But today we will see such an event. Modern psychiatrists believe that children can grow up confident, responsible and healthy if they have a dog as a companion.

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On the one hand, children become responsible and self-confident due to the habit of learning by watching, on the other hand, children never become moody or depressed due to the companionship. Due to which the children have good health.

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One thing that has been known for a long time is that there is a deep bond between dogs and humans. Both these animals can adopt each other in a short period of time.

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Apart from the house, they can be a walking companion of children in the afternoon of Hemant. Dogs are also good guides. They can bring children home to dry the smell on the way.

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But there is no reason to think that they can harm your baby. Because the dog has kept that faith since the beginning of time. In particular, dogs are also much more patient than humans. So dogs have become very popular animals in our country over the ages.

Let's watch the video of dog bonding with baby

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