The Dhaka Times
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The story of a fish that lives in a tree! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that fish live in water, i.e. ponds, ponds or rivers. But there is a story of a fish that lives in a tree for you today.


We know that fish live in ponds or canals or in rivers and streams. But we have never heard of fish living in trees. But this time it was heard. Fish live in trees! In addition to the traditional fish seen in the common sight, there are some fish that can live on trees for days. They are able to breathe through lungs.

There is a story of such a fish published in the media. This exceptional fish is called Killfish. Only a few inches in size, this species of fish can be found in many aquariums. Again, this fish does not look very strange.

It is known that although they are not different in appearance, they have diversity in their nature and lifestyle. However, ichthyologists claim that this fish is one of the oldest fish in the world.

There are some reasons why this fish is different from other fish. One of them is their reproductive process. Most killifish do not reproduce like other fish. Another thing is that they die within a maximum of one year after birth. But normally a killifish dies 3 months after hatching. There is no end to the researchers' research on this fish. Researchers have been researching this fish for a long time. But still could not fully reveal its secret.

Let's see the video of the exceptional Killfish

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