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How to get Windows 10 for free

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft will open the Windows 10 operating system on July 29. Anyone who buys a Windows 8.1 PC or laptop by July 29 will get a free Windows 10 upgrade.

Windows 10 & free

Microsoft authorities have announced that those who buy a Windows 8.1 PC or laptop between now and July 29 will get a free Windows 10 update.

Microsoft is going to officially open the Windows 10 operating system on July 29. Microsoft has announced that next-generation PCs and tablets based on this operating system will be available in the market after July 29. Windows 7 and Windows 8 users can upgrade it for free.

According to media reports, Microsoft will open Windows 10 for smartphones and Xbox game consoles after the Windows version for PCs and tablets.

However, experts say, opening up this version of Windows for Microsoft's future could be complicated.
This is because Microsoft's experience with Windows 8, the latest version of Windows, is not very pleasant. That's why many people didn't even upgrade to this version of Windows that features a touch-centric interface. Realizing this fact, many features of older versions such as Windows 7 have been added to Windows 10 in the new version of Microsoft Windows.

Recently, Terry Meyerson, the vice president of Microsoft's operating system department, wrote in a blog that 1.5 billion people in 190 countries around the world are using Windows, and Windows 10 has been designed as a new generation Windows operating system for them.
As it will be known as before, so it will be better than before. Your favorite Start menu will also return in Windows 10.

Microsoft has released some information about how to collect Windows on launch day, the media said. Microsoft recommends that users keep a copy. This reservation process for Windows 10 purchase or free upgrade is also very easy. It is said that all computers that support Windows 10 will receive an update notification in the system tray. Once the user clicks on the notification, the reservation process will be completed. Again, to save the copy in an alternative way, the user has to go to this page ( - so informed.

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