The Dhaka Times
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Surprising case: finding snakes with legs!

The Dhaka Times Desk A surprising incident happened. What has never happened before has happened now. A snake with legs has been found!

legged snakes

We have never actually seen snake legs. I have only heard the word 'snake's five feet'. In fact, snakes not only have five legs, but snakes have no legs, that is a fact. But in reality, this time, snake feet have been found. Such a strange incident happened in the Philippines.

The fact is that snakes, reptiles, have no legs. Basically: the snake moves by resting on the chest. But this time an exception happened.

According to media reports, a snake was found in Maling, Isabela province, Philippines. A young man of that area was cleaning the house when he saw the snake. But the frightened young man immediately beat the snake to death. While removing the dead body of the snake, he saw a wonderful thing. He saw that the snake had two legs!

After the incident became known, a crowd of eager people gathered at the young man's house. Some say that the snake is a symbol of good luck, while others say that it is a sign of the destruction of the world. Again experienced people say, this happened due to genetic defect. But be that as it may, the secret of creation rests with the Creator alone.

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