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Lung cancer can be detected by blood test!

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier, lung cancer was not easily diagnosed. This disease could only be diagnosed through many tests. But now lung cancer can be detected by blood test.

blood test can detect lung cancer

A group of scientists in the United States has claimed to invent an easier method of detecting lung cancer by reducing the length of long-term disease tests. Scientists at the Wistar Institute claim to have found a protein in the blood that can detect this cancer more accurately than conventional methods. This information has been given in the news of IANS.

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The research team claims that if the test can be done properly on a larger scale, then lung cancer can be diagnosed with a simple blood test in the future. This research article was recently published in the online journal OncoTarget.

Kuihong Huan, the author of the research paper, claims that if it is possible to improve the advanced stage of the computerized tomography (CT) scan used to detect lung cancer, it will be possible to detect the cancer at a lower cost, with less effort and more accurately. will be possible.

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The researchers focused on cancer testis antigens (CTAS) found in tumor cells, which circulate in the blood. The researchers studied 116 types of CTAS and were able to identify a protein called ACAP4. By testing the patient's blood for the presence of this protein, it is possible to diagnose cancer. However, to detect lung cancer easily, the researchers have started further research with 800 patient samples, the article mentioned.

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