The Dhaka Times
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Messenger Kamyo will now express his feelings in Bengali!

The Dhaka Times Desk Messenger Kamyo will now express his feelings in Bengali. From the interface to the content, everything has an authentic Bengali feel to this messenger.

Messenger comyo

Although there are many ways to express your feelings, this time, the authentic Bengali Messenger Komayo has come to express your feelings very easily. From the interface to the content, everything has an authentic Bengali feel to this messenger.

According to a notification, most of the youth of the country use WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Snapchat and many other such communication tools for daily communication. But most of these apps are designed to suit the lifestyle of foreigners. So now it is never possible to express your feelings in Bengali style in these apps. So to express your thoughts in Bengali style, Messenger Komyo has been brought.

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Comyo told the media, 'All of Comyo's sticker sets are made in such a way that everyone can express their feelings with these stickers every day. Here are famous proverbs, daily hangouts and regional proverbs and more.' It has been reported that by downloading Comyo Messenger for free from Google Play Store, it can be used as a messenger. So what else to worry about? Now express your mind in Bengali.

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