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YouTube to launch separate site for gaming

The Dhaka Times Desk YouTube, the video-sharing site owned by web giant Google, is now going to launch a separate site and app for gaming.

YouTube gaming

YouTube, the video-sharing site owned by web giant Google, is set to launch a separate site and app for gaming. This 'YouTube Gaming' will compete directly against Amazon-owned streaming service Twitch.

According to the BBC, 'YouTube Gaming' will have separate profiles for both games and gamers. This service will be launched this year - said Google authorities.

In a recent blog post, YouTube Gaming Product Manager Alan Joyce said, 'Gaming has created an entirely new genre of video on YouTube. Now it's our turn to give away something made just for gamers.'

Currently, gaming related videos are very popular on Facebook. From analyzing how to play a game, game-centric music videos are also quite popular. It is known that this YouTube Gaming will coordinate the data of 25 thousand gaming portals on a single page. According to the BBC, Google plans to attract a large portion of Twitch fans through YouTube gaming.

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