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Chimpanzees can laugh like humans!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to human research on animals and birds. This new research has revealed such a new information. Chimpanzees can laugh just like humans.

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Recently, a new study has revealed that chimpanzees can laugh exactly like humans without making any sound. A group of researchers from the University of Portsmouth found in their study that chimpanzee communication has a strong resemblance to human communication. They can laugh silently like humans without making any noise.

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Marina Dávila-Ross, a professor at the University's Center for Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology, said, ``Human expression evolved from apes -- but that's what the research suggests.''

Professor Marina Davila-Ross also said, 'Humans have the ability to laugh without speaking or making loud noises. Because a kind of flexibility works in them. This ability to express oneself flexibly helps us communicate clearly and versatile. But until now we have not known whether chimpanzees can make such facial expressions.'

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According to a news report, researchers measured the facial expressions of 46 chimpanzees at an orphanage in Zambia called Chimfunsi Wildlife. For this, the researchers used a facial coding system called 'Chimp Fax'. Researchers have found that chimpanzee laughter and human laughter have almost the same evolutionary origin. The researchers believe that this similarity between human laughter and chimpanzee laughter actually carries the cues that originated from human ancestors, apes. However, researchers are still not sure about the whole issue. Further research may reveal its correct history - this is what the researchers think.

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