The Dhaka Times
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Trying to write a name in the Guinness book by doing yoga with the head!

The Dhaka Times Desk People try different ways to write the name in Guinness World Records. Now a person is trying to write a name in the Guinness book by doing yoga on his head!

yogasana to register the Guinness Book

Head yoga is an impossible task. He is going to do the impossible. Head touching the ground, feet floating in the air. Walking in such a situation! One person is going to make the impossible possible. But how long can one stay like this? 5 minutes, 10 minutes… but he has already set a record of 34 minutes on top. Now it's his turn to break his own record.

The name of this young man from United Arab Emirates is Evan Stanley. He claimed that on June 21 International Yoga Day, he will create a new record and write his name in the Guinness World Records. This time he is in the top position for an hour.

Is it really possible? Anyone can do it if they think about it, but Ivan Stanley is convinced he can. His 'Yoga' of making this record can be seen in Dubai on 21 June.

It is known that Evan Stanley is a creative director by profession. Chost in English, Hindi, Marathi and Malayalam. He roamed the arena of advertising world. But beyond this advertising world, her reputation as a yoga instructor is widespread. He has been training for over a decade and a half. He learned yoga himself from Bihar School of Yoga. Also got training from Mysore. Baba Balak Das got Saraswati Jaish as a yoga guru. Nadi Joga with UAE by birth but currently resides in India.

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